Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Workin' away

Well lots has happened since the last post. We're making progress on the shed which now has power and the shop has walls with insulation. Having never run power underground or installed a service panel before made the last while quite interesting and a bit stressful at times, that part is behind me and now I just have a few outlets to install and I'll be done with the wiring for now.
It's been busy around here as usual trying to get the shed done enough to leave for Minnesota. Which is only about a week away now! Hooray!! We are all ready have a vacation. Abrahm is looking forward to meeting his new cousin, as are we, and Leslie and I are looking forward to some down time. We'll be driving out this time in hopes of saving money as well as avoiding air travel around the holidays. We'll be gone for about 3 weeks and look forward to seeing many friends and family there again.
I don't have any photos of the shed progress at this point so I'll keep it short and try to get some more here in the next few days.