Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bare feet and smoothies

We've moved from syrup season to full-fledged spring.  The grass is greening, the first seeds have sprouted in Abrahm's garden (the big garden is not yet tilled), and we've had many days warm enough to warrant bare feet and smoothies. 

We're hoping for a stretch of dry weather so that we can get the first sections of the production garden ready for planting.  Our cows are thriving on fresh pasture, we've acquired baby goats, and we're beginning to feel the oncoming mania of spring on the farm. 

We're planning to start building our house, and so we are not offering vegetable CSA shares this year; Instead, contact the farm to buy produce directly or visit to buy produce through the online market for Farmington delivery.  We're still offering pork shares.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup season has come and gone, and we've finished about 16 gallons of syrup.  We've determined that at 68 taps, our evaporator has reached its capacity.  We walk the woods and see always more prospects for more taps.  But until we can procure a bigger evaporator, we'll try to restrain our impulse to expand the sugarbush.