Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Toad Drowner

I must give credit to Ivan Doig for that description of a rainy spell, but it was too perfect to pass up as the summary of our last few weeks. I think we've topped 6 inches of rain in the last 2 weeks. We're getting a bit water-weary, and each time it starts to rain again, Abrahm asks, "Why is it raining again?....Eventually, it will stop raining!" And we think, again and again, "I don't know why it's still raining, and I'm glad you continue to be optimistic that it will stop." Perhaps our next building project should be an ark, rather than garden shed, pig house, greenhouse, or any of the other of the current short-list of projects we're contemplating.

Vegetable shares have been beautiful and bountiful, despite the rain. All the leafy greens are enjoying this cool wet weather, and we have collard greens big enough to use as umbrellas. If only there were a way to weed without actually having to set foot in the garden. We're hoping that it dries soon enough that the roots and fruits aren't stunted or rotted.

In non-vegetable news, Samuel weighed in at 11lb, 9 oz today, and has gained more than 1 lb/week these last few weeks. He's quickly losing the brand-new newborn look. Abrahm continues to thrive as big brother. He is starting to take on the big-brother-as-entertainer role. He helps with harvest days, albeit with decidedly Abrahm-devised methods (eg harvesting the radishes with his backhoe). He went strawberry picking with Grandma and Paka today, and managed to get at least a few berries into the boxes instead of his belly.

That's it for now, as I should go take a walk (or mudslide) through the garden to see how things are faring.


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