Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Goodbye Jack!

We did it. We have gotten all of the holes for the piers finished which means I was able to bring the jackhammer back to the rental place. Hooray! We've started placing sona tubes in the holes, and we're hoping to be pouring concrete on thursday. Tomorrow will be connecting the waste pipe and pressure testing it before we bury it, and then back filling the trenches. Hopefully it won't be long now before we're done with the foundation!

It's been a hard slog the last feww days to try and get the holes done. I wouldn't recommend trying to cut holes with a jackhammer, but it seemed to be the only option. We had to get far enough down for frost and stability, and there was no other way that I could come up with so off we went. Jackhammering on level ground is not the most pleasant activity one could think of, but it's a piece of cake compared to dropping it down into a 3 foot hole and trying to loosen rocks or break up ledge. I have a lot of bruises on my legs to attest to that. But hey, we're done, and on to other things. Soon we'll retire the shovels and post hole digger in favor of saws, hammers, and drills. Bring on the wood! Soon Leslie, Abrahm, and dad will be here, and I'm sure looking forward to that! Sorry for the sideways picture, haven't got this blog thing figured out entirely.

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