Monday, June 25, 2007

Waiting for the plumber

Hey all,

The weather here is supposed to get hot in the next day or so, which may coincide nicely with a bit of delay as I try to get things set with a plumber. We have the insulation installed up to the point where the plumber has to come and rough in all the required things before we can procede with the floor installation.

With everything up on piers it has made some of the recent steps a bit more difficult. Once the floor is in it will be quite difficult, and fairly unpleasant to get at things below. We wanted to keep the deck as close to the ground as possible thinking that it would be beneficial in the winter to not have a lot of airspace between the floor and the ground. This does pose some logistical problems in terms of plumbing specifically. I had hoped to do the plumbing myself as there is very little to it with only one bathroom which was purposely placed opposite the wall with the kitchen sink. In talking with the plumbing inspector it sounds as though a newer plumbing code has been in place for a short time around here, and I guess it is a bit more complicated. I'm not really interested in redoing things so I'm trying to get a plumber to do it and be done with it. I'm sure we will get things squared away soon, and we'll be able to keep going.

When Leslie, Abrahm, and my dad were out last week Leslie and her dad went to pick up all of the flooring so that we will have it when we're ready. It is 2X6 toungue and groove pine which when it is finished should provide a beautiful floor. We chose this option because it will allow us to use one material for the floor rather than having to lay some sort of underlayment upon which we would have to install another floor. It should be pretty sturdy!

Well we'll see what the next few days bring, hopefully cooler than predicted temps (not counting on that one), and plumbers knocking down our door wanting to do what we need immediately (not counting on that one either). All is going well and we should be seeing the yurt arrive fairly soon. Until next time. Ben

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